February is usually the time when I a) really wish I’d written down all the ideas I had for this year’s garden while I was packing up at the end of last season and b) start to flip through books for inspiration and new planting ideas. Do you ever find yourself relating to a book […]
In our fragmented society, where concepts of competition and survival of the fittest pervade our way of life, we could learn a thing or two from one of the oldest of relationships. Somewhere around 600 million years ago fungi and algae formed a collaboration that allowed algae to move out of the sea and onto […]
If you’re anything like me, hearing doom and gloom numbers about the rapidly dwindling diversity in the biosphere is enough to do your head (and heart) in. Knowing that you can make a real impact, and that there are simple places to start, is a welcome antidote to the paralysis that can come with this […]
The other day I was asked “how can a compost pile fail?”. This is an excellent question and the answer depends on your definition of compost. The most amusing one I have heard is that “compost is organic matter that has been decomposed in a process called composting.” The Queen of Compost, Dr Elaine Ingham, […]